Priscilla pole Vaulting as a sophomore |
Priscilla Glenn was born on August 30, 1995, and she does not remember a time when she did not love reading books. She has always liked writing; her favorite type being creative writing. She wrote the first draft of
The Bloody Diamond in second grade, not realizing she would then continue writing it and expanding it nine years later into an entire world of adventure, romance, and betrayal. She has her best friend Elizabeth McKinney, author of
Sons and Daughters: Young Falcon, to thank, as she always continued to push and remind Priscilla about the great story that was locked away, waiting to come out.
Priscilla's favorite places to hang about are at her school, home, the track, and her church. She thoroughly enjoys talking to her friends, playing with her younger siblings, flying over the pole vault bar, and learning more about God.