Sunday, March 18, 2012


I have officially reached page 100!!! Now, I know that is slow compared to Beth, but for me that is HUGE! I am actually probably half-way done with the story, so it's going great; shouldn't be too long, so I won't have to cut anything. Yah :) And I am just loving almost everything that I write. There have been some sections where I went "blah" and cut them out, but what I always replace the "blah" sections with are superb! I hope everyone else will love what I have written and soon I will place another snippet on this blog.

Oh, though who knows how quickly I will be able to write because school starts again tomorrow and track season is underway with most of our meets on Thursday this year. Thus I will have a lot of catching up to do each week so not too much free time for writing. I promise I will get some done though! :D Keep praying for me!

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