Preview of Chapters

Lisa Georgelous
             For everyone out there who is interested about The Bloody Diamond but still doesn't understand what it is all about, I will give a little explanation about Chapter One. Chapter One is called School Orientation, and it sets up the scene for the beginning of the book. In this chapter, Elena will have her first glimpse of the principal, Mr. Jackal, and the craziness of the boarding school. She also gets to meet Lisa, who will turn out to be a very important character throughout the book, so you need to keep an eye on her.
Elena Pierce
         As you read Chapter One, you will also start to understand what type of girl Elena is, her personality and how she thinks. You will want to pay attention to that, as it will be quite important to why things have happened and why certain things will happen. There are also many little hints about what is to come in this chapter but unless you know the full story you won't understand them. After you read the book, you can go back and find them. :D
         Chapter One ends with Elena arriving at the dorm and Chapter Two is where she will meet many more important characters, and the set up and story line will only get bigger, grander, and more captivating. Until then, though, keep waiting and praying!
              Chapter two begins with Elena and Lisa arriving at the dorms. There Elena will learn more about how the school works and about the "Chaotic" passing periods. :) She also learns more about Lisa's personality and meets many new characters. Some of them are relatively important as they help the story move along throughout the rest of the book but one of them is extremely important. Who it is though, is left for the reader to discover. ;) This chapter then ends with everyone falling asleep. That doesn't mean though that the next chapter begins with everyone waking up. Exactly what happens, is not to be revealed until much, much later.  And trust me, the story just keeps getting bigger, and grander, and full of interesting tidbits of information, that you won't want to miss out.

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