Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Nothing but Work

Okay, so first off, there has been nothing from my aunt but is anyone really surprised? Raise your hand if you are. I know I'm not because I was kind of expecting this again. I just have to be patient and I believe my patience has increased. :) Also, school has been going on for four weeks now and it is difficult. I was warned before school started, but now I know that they meant it when they said junior year is the hardest! Ugh. A.P. Biology and A.P. English and Pre-Calculus. Not fun. Oh, well; I shall survive and make all A's as usually! :D
Oh, also, I have written a little more on The Bloody Diamond but as I have not reached a computer long enough for something besides homework I have taken up writing short stories to pass the time at school. Maybe I will put one of them on here...we will see...